Educational challenges.
A computer challenge designed to improve your arithmetic!
Click for Hardy
A version is available that runs with Microsoft's Excel.
Click to download.
Designed to improve your vocabulary - find the nine-letter word. Click here
A variation is available that runs with Microsoft's Excel.
Click to download.
This new publication is tricky but rewarding:
An Excel file - click here, then on the green button!
Sudoku - interactive version, in miniature.
Click to enhance logical skills!
Excel version of above. Written in Visual Basic. May need to adjust macro settings.
Similar, but with letters. Based on the Times Test Yourself puzzle.
Click this link for a solution to all full-size Sudoku puzzles. Again runs under Microsoft Excel. Take care typing data!
Adduko - the easiest game on the web.
A Sudoku look-alike, with some simple sums.
A Pi Approximation.
Don't start too high!
Goldbach Demos.
Search for a counter-example to Goldbach's conjecture. Any even number (>4) is the sum of two odd primes.
One number as the sum of three primes. Can any number (>5) be formed by the addition of three primes?
A dice-throwing simulation
Simulate the throwing of two dice. Scores are added and recorded for you!
De Mere experiments
Use the computer to experiment on probability. Chevalier De Mere was bothered by these problems around 1650!
Find the factors and multiples of numbers.
Start with some small numbers. Includes HCF and LCM.
Test a number, show its prime decomposition and list more primes!
Don't start too high. There are faster programs!
A root algorithm
Find a square root the long way! Whole numbers only!
Recurring decimals
Use as many decimal places as you like! Try one over forty-seven!
Solve your own equations.
Yes, you must use xs! Currently under development.
An easy graph plotter.
Gives a rough outline. For Internet Explorer. Subject to review.
An example scattergraph.
Inspect a scattergraph. Download the data and draw a line of best fit!
Some simple sequences.
Click to generate terms. Triangle, square and Fibonacci numbers.
Pythagorean Triples
Click to list triples. Generates Pythagorean Triples.
Tutoring and tutelage.
Click for tutoring advice. All subjects offered.
More demonstration programs.
Many of these run under Excel97, Word97 or later versions (Tools/Macro/Security settings may need adjustment):
Find the most commonly-occurring letters in your text. Click here.
Or find the size of words in your text. Click here.
Or practise your spelling with this word game, Century or its teasing variation, Conundrum .
You could improve your word-power with Synword .
And the latest word-game is tricky but rewarding:
Sevensyns runs under Microsoft Excel.
Now change back to numbers and see their average move. Click here.
Programming and darts - another demonstration Click here.
Programming and snooker - yet another demonstration, with a little fun. Click here.
Programming and snooker - a tricky development! Click here.
Bar codes and check digits. Calculation of ISBN and EAN check digits.
Lottery numbers. A straightforward example of a bubble sort.
These 'Teacher Resource Databases' run under Access2000:
Aspects of dates!
Aspects of numbers!
Available texts and resources:
Mathematics - A National Curriculum Reader.
Click for a synopsis and downloads.
ICT: The E-book.
Part One - Spreadsheets
Part Two - Databases
Part Three - Wordprocessing
General Studies Miscellany:
How to write a general studies essay.
Who owns what?
Congestion and journalese.
Government and diet.
Global Positioning and Trilateration
Radio frequency ID tags.
Well-documented species extinction.
Privacy and Press Intrusion.
Learning modern languages on the web.
Another web-learning link.
Resources for Practice of Language Skills
Educational campaigns
Worried about public services?
Do read this account:
Called to a meeting by Staffordshire County Council, I made the
observation that the occasion was unfairly constituted (lacking an
association representative) but that did not bother the personnel
officer present (who seems able to indulge in any shenanigan, free of
accountability) and did not deter Pat Turner from indulging in the most
mean attempt to discredit me. She had already asked if my exercise
books were marked (a bloody cheek - I could even boast a homework
record for each child!) and now she began to attack my grammar and
dress (traditional - consistent with that of the headteacher).
Astonishingly, she made reference to the headteacher's imminent
retirement (why, I've no idea - I have not acted against the interests
of the gentleman and even recommended him through the chair to the
governors and 10 Downing Street for an award) and expressed the
determination that I "never work again"! Is this conduct not
Any answers or suggestions to:
Thank you.
Footnote: It would appear that Patricia considers that I have 'challenged the dominant male'; this is incorrect - a gross error has been made.
More historical documentation required? Do click here.
Update May 2022: Staffordshire moves to a position of complete denial:
Another request made for assistance.
Response from regulator, 11th August (Ref E1-3572230314): "We have carefully considered your complaint, and while we appreciate your reasons for writing to us, we do not feel that these are issues that would warrant further GMC action being taken." So much for that!
Maybe it's not quite over: Read here complaint regarding GMC itself.
Response received - GMC still claims evidence is insufficient! Read here GMC latest.
Try the Ministry! Read latest attempt to set matters right.
June 2022: Worcestershire chips-in with some 'rather unpleasant' allegations!
Read the response here.
Text version available.
Are the British at last coming to their senses? A 'No Action Letter' is received:
Special Delivery at GBP6.35!
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To make a payment for services rendered, please click here.
Curriculum vitae
Please click on this link for CV
Curriculum vitae as Word file.
Referee contact details and testimonials.
Back to title page.