A collection of links reflecting interests and experience inside industry and beyond.
Energy demand is often considered as fundamentally linked to economic growth, indeed, the UK government accepts that in recent years "there has been no decoupling of energy use from the growth of the economy as a whole", though writing in 2019, the Office for National Statistics tells us, "While UK carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions peaked in 1972, once we consider imported emissions – such as when the UK imports products that are manufactured abroad – UK emissions peaked in 2007." Increased energy efficiency, however, may not hamper the growth of an economy yet can significantly increase the life of finite fossil fuel resources, should this be a desirable aim considering 'Net-Zero' ambitions.
There are various ways of conserving energy both at home and at work. For domestic considerations, the Energy Saving Trust ( energysavingtrust.org.uk ), set up by the Government following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and one of the UK's leading organisations addressing the effects of climate change, offers appropriate advice. Whilst The Trust extends its services to the transport and housing trade, for concerns over industrial energy efficiency the UK's Energy Institute ( www.energyinst.org.uk ) has established a Register of Energy Consultants and may represent the best starting point for a company keen to reduce its energy bills.
A group of UK companies active within the energy conservation industry formed the Association for the Conservation of Energy with the aim of encouraging a positive national awareness of the need for and benefits of energy conservation. It was to assist in establishing a sensible and consistent national policy and programme regarding energy usage and to increase investment in all appropriate energy saving measures - the Association merged with the Association for Decentralised Energy in 2019.
The most pressing concern regarding the environment, global warming, has been addressed by an initiative that involves all the major consumers of energy. Companies are being asked to tie their energy usage more securely to their accounts by means of a process of 'carbon rationing'. From January 2005, major sources of industrial CO2 will be subject to the 'cap and trade' regulation surrounding the EU Emissions Trading System - do note that provisions will need to vary given the UK's exit from the European Union. This is one part of a range of policies being put in place to reduce emissions of pollutants that are considered to give rise to global warming. Even though emission permits will be initially allocated for free through each country's national allocation plan (NAP), the carbon price generated by the trading scheme will change the marginal production cost across most energy industry sectors. Participants in the scheme will be impacted, with carbon allowances becoming either an asset or a liability. The Carbon Trust ( thecarbontrust.com ) is a quasi-independent company funded by the UK government that delivers information and advice on energy saving and carbon management to the business and public sector.
Not all commentators are convinced of the importance of 'Carbon' emissions in relation to climate change. David Bellamy, for example, considers that the main greenhouse gas - the one that has the most direct effect on land temperature by restricting release of the earth's radiation - is water vapour, 99 per cent of which is entirely natural. If all the water vapour was removed from the atmosphere, he claims, the temperature would fall by 33 degrees Celsius but by removing all the carbon dioxide the temperature might fall by only 0.3 per cent.
A reduction in the thickness of the atmospheric ozone layer in the upper atmosphere may be responsible for weather instability or even progressive climate change, but this phenomenon is considered less significant than the 'greenhouse effect'. The UK's Environment Agency has provided more details on the 'ozone holes and ozone depletion' at environment-agency.gov.uk.
Dumping campaign
The 'dumping of rubbish', whilst unlawful, besets the UK, in particular, perhaps more than any other developed nation - is this because g'nment sets such a bad example? Piles of junk are left overnight, and sometimes for days, awaiting collection, even on the streets of its capital city; as an example, the London Borough of Kensingon and Chelsea refuses to even consider the compulsory collection of commercial waste 'direct from premises' - this is the, rejected, appeal to the Ombudsman:
Commercial Waste on Highways
Any suggestions? Another Judicial Review?
Try a provincial town! Oxford's streets are littered with bags, awaiting collection, from about six in the evening, through the night, sending all the wrong messages and worsening Oxford's problems with anti-social behaviour; even in the central 'Green Zone' where 'presentation' of bags has a theoretical two-hour limit, this is regularly abused with 'mountains' of bags lying on the streets, for much or all of the night.
This is the original email to the Chief Executive Officer:
Dear Ms Green,
The City's Customer Services suggested I write.
1) I tried to employ the Council's online complaints procedure but a complaint regarding trade waste is not admissible within the system.
2) I was directed to Ashley Buttress (Oxford Direct Services) and Simon Manton (Oxford City) with whom I have had considerable dialogue, but with a negative result.
3) This issue does not concern domestic waste and I will leave aside the issue of binned trade, or commercial, waste, considering only bagged trade waste, outside of the 'Green Zone'.
4) I notice that bags are left on the 'highway' for indefinite times, awaiting collection, sometimes overnight.
5) There is no essential difference between the unsightly nature of a bag of discarded chicken bones, say, and a bag of 'official' commercial waste.
6) I consider that the Council should move to 'direct collection from premises', by all operators, given that businesses, by definition, are likely to be 'open' during the day and that there will be no significant consequences in terms of costs (Biffa, for example, tell me that they will collect directly with no extra charge).
Given the points above shouldn't we move to 'bags off streets'?
David Austin
Since the above contact, a chap's been pushed from pillar to post with the latest a short telephone call:
01865 252414 - Sarah Mahon - 4th July 22. DAustin: "Bags could be collected direct from premises." Sarah: "Well yes!" Will get back to me.
There has been no further response.
Any suggestions?
Dog campaign
Dogs off our streets, out of our parks.
See also 'social media' - @da1955 with 'Twitter' and 'Facebook'.
The Ombudsperson has rejected a complaint (29th January 21) regarding the local dog-run; the application did also include a complaint that ornate trees, at certain times, are erected at public expense - any person to sponsor a judicial review?
The Dog abuses public funds! Abuse of The Park and the abuse of public monies
Judicial Review (of a variation of this case) is underway with hearing imminent - Statement of Grounds: The Investigator considers that "There is no policy or requirement for the Council to ban dog walking which is a legal activity within the UK", but so many dogs defecating on the streets 'outrages public decency', particularly given the large
number of dogs kept in apartments with no private grounds and given that other pets are available that cause no offence
(such as budgerigars, hamsters and house-cats) - the Council is at fault. The Investigator claims "there is insufficient
evidence of injustice"; the claimant may well live "about 125 miles from London" but he might both wish to visit (to enjoy
the 'less vulgar' sights of the city) and be required to visit the Capital (and stay in a Borough such as Hammersmith and
Fulham) with any, unforeseen, frequency, as it is the seat of government and remains administratively significant for
many bodies, both private and public - this represents an injustice.
Hearing denied! Judge considers that powers are not available - but what about Pubic Space Protection Orders? Next is an Appeal - the Grounds can be read here and the Skeleton Argument is also available. Update: Fees have increased from the expected GBP255 to GBP528 with a further GBP199 to be incurred later, apparently; then there are the potentially-unlimited Respondent's legal costs! A concerned sponsor is required!
Sarah's Stitch-Up - the lowest point in the short history of DMBC:
A recent court hearing was adjourned for want of a barrister; an embittered, dog-loathing advocate is preferred!
The background can be appreciated from: Fabrication
The transcript of the original Police interview is now available: Transcript
The Police complaint and subsequent appeal is also available: Complaint Appeal
A reminder has been sent: Sarah's Stitch-Up
The court-appointed barrister has requested a version of events: Version of events
Reaction to the Court's ridiculous verdict is available: Verdict response
The Court's final statement may be read here: Final statement
The issue has been escalated to the Courts and Tribunals Service: HMCTSEscalation
HMCTS have found a way of diverting the issue to another Government department! Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman
A complaint has been made of the Crown Prosecution Service: CPS Complaint
Another attempt has been made to 'inspire' the Crown Prosecution Service: Victim Liaison Unit
The reply from the Crown Prosecution Service, with a further response, can be seen here: Response to Victim Liaison Unit reply
Appeal Court Application, Grounds of Appeal may be read here: Grounds of Appeal
The predictable, perfunctory decision and a response are here: Decision and Response
The first anniversary is marked with the request for an apology: Anniversary
The second anniversary approaches without an apology: Second anniversary
The third anniversary passes without an apology: Third anniversary
Open as text file.
Another anniversary is marked by another 'official complaint' submitted 13th December 2020: Another anniversary!
No response - try a complaint at Stage Two - 2nd March 2022 Still trying - very trying!
Still no meaningful response from the Council - try the Ombudsperson: Ombudsman application
Ombudsman rejects case and a review - further comment here: Ombudsman review - comment
14th January 25 - Housing Ombudsman asks for yet more information Background details can be read here
A second, Western, front has been opened:
Catalogue of complaints regarding canophiles at 164 High Street: Complaints
Police National Complaint Form: Complaint Form
WMP Appeal Form: Appeal Form
Latest incident: Account of latest incident
Council's Anti-Social Behaviour Department Update: ASB Update
ASB Update regarding possible attempted provocation or entrapment: Update 22nd October 19
ASB Update regarding noise and further abuse: Update 11th November 19
ASB Update regarding further abuse: Update 19th November 19
ASB Update regarding noise: Update 3rd December 2019
ASB Update regarding more noise: Update 23rd December 2019
ASB Update regarding continuing public nuisance: ASB Case Reference 16524 2nd Feb 2020
ASB Update regarding more dog noise with abuse: ASB Case Reference 16524 - Incident 10th Feb
ASB Case 16524 - Incident of 10th May: ASB Case 16524 - Incident of 10th May 2020
Appeal Update - 24th Jun 2020: WMP - Appeal Update
Latest on the Appeal - response sent 6th August 2020: Latest correspondence with WMP
Update: Threatening behaviour of circa 1515 3rd October 22 Update can be read here
Another request for Professional Standards to communicate, 4th September 23: Can be read here
A third 'Home Front' has been opened:
Anti-social behaviour from 157 High Street - even closer to home! Anti-social behaviour report prompted, sadly, by serious abuse.
Local Council has made allegations of anti-social behaviour! Anti-social behaviour allegations.
See allegations as text file.
A significant 'leap forward' has been provided by the local police force - it is considered "unreasonable" (PC Wilson of WMP) for my neighbour (M Bradley) to 'walk' his dog (that is for it to urinate and defecate) under my kitchen window; perhaps civilised man is not alone, after all!
Local Council has made request for information: ASB Case Ref 19914 - Reply.
Incident of 28th March 2020: ASB Case Ref 19914 - Latest.
View as text file: ASB Case Ref 19914 - Latest as text.
Incident of 11th April 2020: ASB Case Ref 19914 - Latest incident.
Incident of 14th April 2020: ASB Case Ref 19914 - Latest incident.
ASB Update 27th April: Case Reference 19914 - Attacks on the person.
Extract from letter to Area Housing Manager: Response of 28th April.
Recent communication with WMP Neighbourhood Team Recent communication with WMP
Reluctant complaint to West Midlands Police has been made: Click to see text.
Incident of 31st August 2020: ASB Case Ref 19914 - Latest incident.
Allegations of abusing the communal garden! ASB Case Ref 19914 - Bizarre suggestions.
Giving the Police and Crime Commissioner a whirl: Try the Commissioner!
The communal front lawns are now the target! Latest - abuse of green space
A charity has suggested the Council's official complaints procedure: First Stage of Local Authority Complaint - 8th December 20
More on damage to the front lawn: Official Complaint - Criminal Damage to Lawns - Stage One
Even a white-out is abused by The Dog:
Pet issues - email to DCPLus 31st Jan 21.txt
Yet another attempt to get a response from WMP: Yet another try.
No reply received after submission of First Stage Complaint on 8th December 2020 - Community Trigger invoked 8th March 2021: Community Trigger!
Still no reply received after Community Trigger invoked - next step is the Ombudsperson: Ombudsman involvement - ASB 19914
Council responds with notification of another delay! Yet another reference code issued by the Council!
More vulgar threats from ungrateful neighbours! Chapel Street Incident of 7th April.
Council rejects Stage One Complaint and Housing Ombudsman informed, 19th April Hardly surprising - the Council will not accept a complaint!
Housing Ombudsman suggests a complaint at Stage Two: Stage Two Complaint - WK202110574
Latest complaint sent to Council, 10th May 2021: Annoying disturbance.
After a limited reaction from the Council and another delay, message sent to Housing Ombudsman, 4th June: Renewed contact made with Housing Ombudsman.
Second complaint submitted regarding damage to communal lawns: Criminal damage to lawns remains unaddressed.
Communal lawns - Council responds with another reference! Image of damage to lawns not considered as "substantive evidence".
An updated image of damage to lawns is available here.
The Housing Ombudsman will make an attempt to get a response sent from the Council, 1st July: Further contact with Housing Ombudsman.
Latest bout of abuse, threats and criminal damage from neighbours: ASB 19914 - Incident of 5th July 21.txt Image of latest criminal damage is available: Likely further damage to letter-box
Council has responded to request from Ombudsman: Recent response from Council and further call to Housing Ombudsman.
Update sent to Council, 6th September: Read latest annoyance here.
Can the neighbours get any worse? Message to Housing Ombudsman of 10th September
Even a mess on the communal landing!
More threatening behaviour from the neighbour: Read the latest, including a bizarre request from the Police!
Latest attack on premises: Brown sauce applied to the front door - the colour is significant!
View result of attack on door - Fri,Sat 15th,16th Oct
Update of ASB Case 19914 - abusive and threatening behaviour: Latest bout of abuse and threatening behaviour.
ASB Case 19914 - Update of 29th November 21: Latest incidents - he who runs the dog-shop could be blamed!
ASB 19914 - latest round of threatening behaviour: Latest incidents, Friday 3rd December - including a dog issue!
ASB 19914 - latest incident, including more threats: Latest incident, 19th March - The Dog is central
ASB 19914 - Council responds at Stage One - read response ASB 19914 - Request for consideration at Stage Two
ASB 19914 - Request for consideration at Stage Two - Plain Text version
ASB 19914 - Council will not consider matter at Stage Two - read response Council rejects consideration at Stage Two - further response
ASB 19914 - Incidents of 10th April 2022 Read latest incidents on an otherwise quiet Sunday morning!
Latest apparent incident ASB 19914 - Sealing of windows
An image is available: ASB 19914 - Image of windows
Damage to vehicle! Note similarity to letter-box attack!
ASB Case 19914 - Update 8th June 22 Threatening behaviour and assault
Latest disturbance Update of 4th July
Some dirty habits: Pictorial evidence
An Ombudsman invites another application: "You can now refer the complaint to this Service to consider in our formal remit" Read the text here.
Latest ASB incident: Update of 31st July
More dirty habits: Pictorial evidence
Update: Threatening behaviour of circa 1515 3rd October 22 - including latest on ASB 19914 Update can be read here
Warning of Community Protection Notice on its way! Initial response can be read here.
Warning letter received 19th October Further response can be read here.
Similar warning now given in person! Complaint to management can be read here.
Update: After a repeat of abuse of the communal lawns, another quest for a resolution is made. Request for Mediation
Council responds to an assault with yet more threats, ignoring ASB 19914. Latest incident with counter-accusation
Telephone call received from Council - but largely to complain over watering the lawn! More offers made of mediation and incentives
November 2023 - Councillor communicates - but Officials remain rather distant! Response to latest message here
Image of lawn damage sent to elected representative. Inspect damaged turf here.
Housing Ombudsman finds for the aggrieved! Council must apologise and compensate.
ASB case 19914 remains an issue - 4th January 2025 Monies are available.
An attempt is made to involve Law and Governance Contains an update of immediate issues
Yes, we now have an 'Eastern Front'!
The local Police, with the Council, cannot, or will not, identify the latest culprit: Read the essentials of the Police complaint form here.
A pattern of discrimination has emerged:
G'nment and the Crown take little interest, but the IOPC claims, "You can also complain about how a police force is run", with no time limit; the basis is that unfair discrimination is taking place against a civilised man, even though he 'performs' in a toilet bowl and his 'products' run, inoffensively, under the High Street, with the dog-lobby enjoying some form of 'herd immunity'! The complaint form can be seen here. The essential text can be read here.
Further contact made with IOPC, 1st July 2021. IOPC makes request for further information.
Decision received and further response made: IOPC reference 2021 154205 - DA response to decision of 9th July.
Try the Police Inspectorate:
Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary is inviting electronic contact: Is Wendy Williams interested in clean streets?
General Election Manifesto
Imagine, reader, a street without gum,
A park without mess, an evening of peace;
Consider, please, a borough with no bum,
A county of harmony, all noise ceased.
The foul sodomite has stopped his practice,
The hateful paedophile is kept indoors,
The druggist, the abuser, simply sits;
So how might the voter cure all these sores?
The state requires a dog under control -
A leash, a chain or cage appropriate;
It will, on occasion, proceed to kill -
It's cost-effective and proportionate.
Appeal, we must, to owners of our yobs;
Just treat the latter as we do our dogs.
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Curriculum vitae
Please click on this link for CV
Curriculum vitae as Word file.
Referee contact details and testimonials.
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